- Constantly recurring - Lasting a long time - Long-lasting - Persistent rhino wedged between two cage openings - Very bad, informally - Relating to time; according to time. - Continuing for a long time; lingering; habitual.
- Bad rule may be long-lasting - Hard-wearing - Hardy - Lasting - Long-lasting - Able to endure or continue in a particular condition;
lasting; not perishable or changeable; not wearing out or decaying
soon; enduring; as, durable cloth; durable happiness.
- Artificial curl - Curly hairstyle - For every thousand there's a hair treatment - For every thousand there’s a hair treatment - Hairdo - Hairstyle - Long-lasting hairstyle
- Account - diary record - Historical account - Long-lasting half-mile journal - Written record of historical events - An historical register or account of facts or events
disposed in the order of time. - A narrative of events; a history; a record.
- A deeply distressing experience - Bodily injury or wound - Deeply distressing experience - Emotional shock - Every other star ran up moat, and got a shock - Extremely distressing experience - Powerful shock with long-lasting effect