- Army colour - Army fabric - Army shade calls for car key, in a manner of speaking - Camouflage colour - Camouflage shade - Camouflage shade by quoting car key - Colour of car key, apparently
- Carbonate of iron, an important ore of iron occuring
generally in cleavable masses, but also in rhombohedral crystals. It is
of a light yellowish brown color. Called also sparry iron, spathic
iron. - A meteorite consisting solely of metallic iron. - An indigo-blue variety of quartz. - Formerly, magnetic iron ore, or loadstone. - Any plant of the genus Sideritis; ironwort.
- Anne is coming up for some earthy colouring - Anne is returning, reddish-brown - Brown pigment - Earthy pigment - Pigment, burnt ... - Reddish-brown pigment - Yellow earthy colour