- Legacy
- The act of conferring a benefit.
- A benefit conferred; esp. a charitable donation.
- Ancient
- Legacy
- Object from an earlier period
- Old piece of furniture or art
- Old relic
- On the outskirts of Antwerp, boutiques have valuable treasures
- Very old
- Birthright
- Birthright, patrimony
- Family history
- Inherited lot
- Legacy
- That which is inherited, or passes from heir to heir;
- A possession; the Israelites, as God's chosen people;
also, a flock under pastoral charge.
- Endowment
- Gift in a will
- Inheritance could be object of search
- Legacy
- The act of bequeathing or leaving by will; as, a bequest
of property by A. to B.
- That which is left by will, esp. personal property; a
legacy; also, a gift.
- To bequeath, or leave as a legacy.
- Bequest
- Bestowed possessions
- Endowment
- Heir's birthright
- Heir’s birthright
- Legacy
- Patrimony