- Dribble
- Droplet requires initial payment
- Fall in drops
- Fall in small drops
- Fall slowly in droplets
- intravenous feed
- IV apparatus
- Accident
- Accident with liquid
- Oil leak
- A bit of wood split off; a splinter.
- A slender piece of anything.
- A peg or pin for plugging a hole, as in a cask; a spile.
- A metallic rod or pin.
- Abscond
- Break free
- Break free from confinement
- Break out following fire
- Diversion (from reality)
- Elusiveness
- Escape
- Emit
- Exude
- Flow out slowly
- Leak out slowly
- Leak slowly
- Percolate
- Percolate through pores
- Disclosed (company secrets)
- Divulged secret information
- Dripped
- Escaped and breached security
- Lost water
- Seeped out
- of Leak