Lay Down Arms Crossword Clue

Latest updated: 25-02-2020
Below are possible answer for general crossword clue: lay down arms. We have 9 answers for lay down arms in our database.

Possible answers to lay down arms

- “Yield!” cried Sir Endor
- Give oneself up
- Give up
- Lay down arms
- Succumb
- Yield
- To yield to the power of another; to give or deliver up possession of (anything) upon compulsion or demand; as, to surrender one's person to an enemy or to an officer; to surrender a fort or a ship.

- Deprive of weaponry
- Deprive of weapons
- Render harmless
- To disarm.
- To puff off, or lay down, one's arms or armor.

- Demand
- Lay down
- Specify
- Furnished with stipules; as, a stipulate leaf.
- To make an agreement or covenant with any person or company to do or forbear anything; to bargain; to contract; to settle terms; as, certain princes stipulated to assist each other in resisting the armies of France.

- Lay down (rules)
- Lay down terms
- Lay down the law
- Order
- Read out for typist
- Remove Clare to end innings?
- State firmly

- Capitulated
- Ceded
- Conceded
- Conceded ruder sender to be put in order
- Gave in
- Gave oneself up (to the enemy)
- Laid down arms

- To lay, as a stake; to wager.
- To lay down.
- To assert under oath; to depose.
- To testify under oath; to depose; to bear witness.

- Bring to bear
- Compel obedience
- Compel obedience to
- Compel obedience to most men on behalf of church
- Ensure observance of laws
- Implement (law)
- Impose

- To lay down beforehand.
- To waylay. See Forlay.

- Beaver-built Masonic Hall?
- Beaver’s home
- Beaver’s lair
- Become embedded
- Become fixed
- Become stuck
- Cabin

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