Lawsuit Crossword Clue

Latest updated: 14-12-2023
Below are possible answer for quick crossword clue: lawsuit. We have 5 answers for lawsuit in our database.

Possible answers to lawsuit

- Lawsuit
- The act or process of litigating; a suit at law; a judicial contest.

- Lawsuit
- The act or process of prosecuting, or of endeavoring to gain or accomplish something; pursuit by efforts of body or mind; as, the prosecution of a scheme, plan, design, or undertaking; the prosecution of war.
- The institution and carrying on of a suit in a court of law or equity, to obtain some right, or to redress and punish some wrong; the carrying on of a judicial proceeding in behalf of a complaining party, as distinguished from defense.
- The institution, or commencement, and continuance of a criminal suit; the process of exhibiting formal charges against an offender before a legal tribunal, and pursuing them to final judgment on behalf of the state or government, as by indictment or information.
- The party by whom criminal proceedings are instituted.

- Battle suit
- Behaviour
- Bust
- Deed
- Film genre
- Lawsuit
- Lawsuit battle

- Check out place to get bag
- Detective's job
- Detective’s assignment
- Display cabinet
- Example
- For fear that
- Lawsuit

- Citizens’ lawsuit
- Polite director’s cue in Public Fight For Justice

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