Large Extinct Elephant Crossword Clue

Latest updated: 07-08-2020
Below are possible answer for general crossword clue: large extinct elephant. We have 8 answers for large extinct elephant in our database.

Possible answers to large extinct elephant

- Gigantic
- Gigantic or colossal
- Huge extinct animal
- Large extinct elephant
- Large extinct mammal
- prehistoric pachyderm
- Very large

- Extinct elephant-like animal
- Extinct elephant-like mammal
- extinct mammal
- Extinct mammal – man stood (anag)
- Large extinct mammal
- Mammoth cousin
- An extinct genus of mammals closely allied to the elephant, but having less complex molar teeth, and often a pair of lower, as well as upper, tusks, which are incisor teeth. The species were mostly larger than elephants, and their romains occur in nearly all parts of the world in deposits ranging from Miocene to late Quaternary time.

- Large extinct reptile

- An extinct bird
- Before party, carry out bird
- Bird had party ... twice!
- Bird in Toledo, dozing
- Clumsy extinct bird
- Dead as a ...
- Double encouragement for dead Mauritian

- Brontosaurus, say
- Enormous extinct creature
- Extinct creature
- Extinct terrestrial reptile
- Large extinct mammal
- Triassic beast
- We hear Dinah saw prehistoric animal

- Large extinct mammal

- Extinct elephant like mammal

- An elephant having large tusks.

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