Large Extinct Bird Crossword Clue

Latest updated: 31-07-2018
Below are possible answer for general crossword clue: large extinct bird. We have 10 answers for large extinct bird in our database.

Possible answers to large extinct bird

- An extinct bird
- Before party, carry out bird
- Bird had party ... twice!
- Bird in Toledo, dozing
- Clumsy extinct bird
- Dead as a ...
- Double encouragement for dead Mauritian

- A large extinct ostrichlike bird of New Zealand.

- The roc.
- A large bird, supposed by some to be the same as the extinct Epiornis of Madagascar.

- Card game
- Game for one
- A person who lives in solitude; a recluse; a hermit.
- A single diamond in a setting; also, sometimes, a precious stone of any kind set alone.
- A game which one person can play alone; -- applied to many games of cards, etc.; also, to a game played on a board with pegs or balls, in which the object is, beginning with all the places filled except one, to remove all but one of the pieces by "jumping," as in draughts.
- A large extinct bird (Pezophaps solitaria) which formerly inhabited the islands of Mauritius and Rodrigeuz. It was larger and taller than the wild turkey. Its wings were too small for flight. Called also solitary.
- Any species of American thrushlike birds of the genus Myadestes. They are noted their sweet songs and retiring habits. Called also fly-catching thrush. A West Indian species (Myadestes sibilans) is called the invisible bird.

- An order of extinct mesozoic reptiles, mostly of large size (whence the name). Notwithstanding their size, they present birdlike characters in the skeleton, esp. in the pelvis and hind limbs. Some walked on their three-toed hind feet, thus producing the large "bird tracks," so-called, of mesozoic sandstones; others were five-toed and quadrupedal. See Illust. of Compsognathus, also Illustration of Dinosaur in Appendix.

- Large-beaked bird
- Any bird of the family Bucerotidae, of which about sixty species are known, belonging to numerous genera. They inhabit the tropical parts of Asia, Africa, and the East Indies, and are remarkable for having a more or less horn-like protuberance, which is usually large and hollow and is situated on the upper side of the beak. The size of the hornbill varies from that of a pigeon to that of a raven, or even larger. They feed chiefly upon fruit, but some species eat dead animals.

- Bird that’s extinct ... immoral even
- Extinct bird
- Extinct NZ ratite
- Flightless bird
- Large bird
- Moan endlessly about bird that's departed New Zealand
- Any one of several very large extinct species of wingless birds belonging to Dinornis, and other related genera, of the suborder Dinornithes, found in New Zealand. They are allied to the apteryx and the ostrich. They were probably exterminated by the natives before New Zealand was discovered by Europeans. Some species were much larger than the ostrich.

- Emu relative
- Large bird
- Large flightless bird
- A large bird, of the genus Casuarius, found in the east Indies. It is smaller and stouter than the ostrich. Its head is armed with a kind of helmet of horny substance, consisting of plates overlapping each other, and it has a group of long sharp spines on each wing which are used as defensive organs. It is a shy bird, and runs with great rapidity. Other species inhabit New Guinea, Australia, etc.

- Bird of prey
- Large bird
- A very large bird of the Vulture family (Sarcorhamphus gryphus), found in the most elevated parts of the Andes.

- Antipodean animal
- Golf score term
- Large sea-bird
- Large web-footed sea bird
- Ocean wandering bird
- Ocean-wandering bird
- A web-footed bird, of the genus Diomedea, of which there are several species. They are the largest of sea birds, capable of long-continued flight, and are often seen at great distances from the land. They are found chiefly in the southern hemisphere.

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