- Large black seabird - One of several northern sea birds, allied to the auks.
They have short legs, placed far back, and are expert divers and
- A diving bird - Black-and-white seabird - Northern diving bird - Seabird - A name given to various species of arctic sea birds of the
family Alcidae. The great auk, now extinct, is Alca (/ Plautus)
impennis. The razor-billed auk is A. torda. See Puffin, Guillemot, and
- Aquatic bird - Big-billed bird - Colourful large-billed tropical American bird - Fish-catching bird - Large billed bird - Large billed water bird - Large fish catching bird
- large black dog - Large dog recently discovered island - An island on the coast of British North America,
famed for the fishing grounds in its vicinity. - A Newfoundland dog.
- Aquatic bird - Large diving seabird - Seabird - Any species of Phalacrocorax, a genus of sea birds
having a sac under the beak; the shag. Cormorants devour fish
voraciously, and have become the emblem of gluttony. They are generally
black, and hence are called sea ravens, and coalgeese. - A voracious eater; a glutton, or gluttonous servant.