Lacking Spirit Crossword Clue

Latest updated: 03-02-2025
Below are possible answer for quick crossword clue: lacking spirit. We have 5 answers for lacking spirit in our database.

Possible answers to lacking spirit

- Lacking spirit?
- No spirits? Just move cocoon in hall

- Lacking spirit?

- Apathetic
- Being without heel causes limp
- In the doldrums
- Indolent
- Inert
- lacking energy or spirit
- Lacking interest or energy

- Exhibiting little energy or interest
- Lacking in spirit or interest
- Slack
- Drooping or flagging from exhaustion; indisposed to exertion; without animation; weak; weary; heavy; dull.
- Slow in progress; tardy.
- Promoting or indicating weakness or heaviness; as, a languid day.

- ... as a dodo
- Burden, ... weight
- Deceased
- Exhausted, ... beat
- Extinct
- Inactive
- Lifeless

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