- Absence of passion or interest - Absence of passion or interest in things - Acute lack of interest - Disinterest - Indifference - Lack of enthusiasm - Lack of enthusiasm for finding a route to Yemeni capital
- Lack of interest - Lassitude - Lethargy leads to half-measures for Doctor Porter - Lethargy, sluggishness - Sluggish inactivity - Some actor portrayed apathy - Loss of motion, or of the motion; a state of inactivity
with partial or total insensibility; numbness.
- "On!" we say. for boredom - “On!” we say, for boredom - A feeling of listlessness or boredom - Arrange reunion (or not!) out of boredom - Boredom - Boredom apparent when nine mix with upstart - Boredom goes on, we say
- callousness - Lack of interest in discrepancy - Listlessness - The quality or state of being indifferent, or not
making a difference; want of sufficient importance to constitute a
difference; absence of weight; insignificance. - Passableness; mediocrity. - Impartiality; freedom from prejudice, prepossession,
or bias. - Absence of anxiety or interest in respect to what is
presented to the mind; unconcernedness; as, entire indifference to all
that occurs.