- Faultless - Fix up - Flawless - Ideal - Just right - Brought to consummation or completeness; completed; not
defective nor redundant; having all the properties or qualities
requisite to its nature and kind; without flaw, fault, or blemish;
without error; mature; whole; pure; sound; right; correct. - Well informed; certain; sure.
- A person or thing regarded as perfect; most suitable - A standard or principle to be aimed for - All but the last of the ladies turned out to be most suitable - completely satisfactory - Conceptual - Foreign aide left model - having no flaws though i have a lot
- Impartial - Just - Just and right - Unbiased - Possessing or exhibiting equity; according to natural
right or natural justice; marked by a due consideration for what is
fair, unbiased, or impartial; just; as an equitable decision; an
equitable distribution of an estate; equitable men. - That can be sustained or made available or effective in
a court of equity, or upon principles of equity jurisprudence; as, an
equitable estate; equitable assets, assignment, mortgage, etc.
- because of to - because of, ... to - Dew said to be expected - Earliest date uncle expected - Expected - Expected to arrive - Expected to hear about morning vapour
- A straight line at 90 degrees to a surface - April & Prudence managed to appear upright - Sheer crazy under a clipper! - The sort of line that provides just the right angle - Exactly upright or vertical; pointing to the zenith;
at right angles to the plane of the horizon; extending in a right line
from any point toward the center of the earth. - At right angles to a given line or surface; as, the
line ad is perpendicular to the line bc. - A line at right angles to the plane of the horizon;
a vertical line or direction.