Jubilant Crossword Clue

Latest updated: 19-02-2019
Below are possible answer for quick crossword clue: jubilant. We have 3 answers for jubilant in our database.

Possible answers to jubilant

- Jubilant
- Of or pertaining to triumph; used in a triumph; indicating, or in honor of, a triumph or victory; as, a triumphal crown; a triumphal arch.
- A token of victory.

- European Community not changing over the moon
- European Community still over the moon
- Extremely happy
- Jubilant
- Rapturous
- Pertaining to, or caused by, ecstasy or excessive emotion; of the nature, or in a state, of ecstasy; as, ecstatic gaze; ecstatic trance.
- Delightful beyond measure; rapturous; ravishing; as, ecstatic bliss or joy.

- Delighted news boss is ringing late
- Delighted the Spanish changed date
- Ecstatic when Ed rings late
- Ecstatically happy
- Exalted
- Filled with joy
- Highly delighted

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