- A feeling of happy satisfaction
- Amusement
- Appeal certain to create satisfaction
- Appeal certain to produce happiness
- Delectation
- Delight
- Enjoyment
- Bliss
- Delight
- Exalted delight
- Feeling of great happiness
- Great delight or joy
- Great joy
- Rapture
- Blissful state
- Broken toenail provides much joy!
- Delight
- Exaltation
- Great happiness and exhilaration
- Great joy
- Great joy at reshaping toenail
- Delight
- Demonstrative joy
- Eagle-eyed, full of merriment
- Elation
- Great delight
- Great merriment
- Happiness
- Cocky’s joy
- Golden syrup
- Mixture of claret and egg initially makes a sugary syrup
- Molasses
- Seen in centre, a clear syrup
- Sugar by product
- Sugar derivative