- A pace - Action taken to bring pets back - Chickens have escaped – Stephens has rung - Converse (with) - Dance move - Dance; level - Degree of progress
- Bill is seen through the window of this housing - Container for a letter - Covering for a letter - It might be opened reluctantly if Bill is inside - Letter-holder - Used to hold a letter - Wrapper
- A larger amount than is needed - Accessory - Accessory for cast member in background - Actor hired for crowd scenes - Actor in a crowd scene - Actor in crowd scene used to be semitragic - Actor used for crowd scenes
- Differentiate - Discern - Identify - Set apart - tell the difference - Not set apart from others by visible marks; to make
distinctive or discernible by exhibiting differences; to mark off by
some characteristic. - To separate by definition of terms or logical
division of a subject with regard to difference; as, to distinguish
sounds into high and low.