- Blunders
- Does wrong
- Fouls up
- Goes astray
- Goes wrong
- Herr Schwarz slips inside
- Is wrong
- A girl is wrong
- Astray
- Awry
- Awry, wrong
- Errantly
- Faulty
- Gone wrong
- A brief record
- Bank bill
- Brief correspondence
- Brief letter
- Brief record
- Brief written record
- Carefully observe
- Colour of name tag is wrong
- Dark purple-red
- Deep purplish-red
- Deep red
- Fuchsia shade
- Fuchsine
- Ma captures agent in reddish-purple
- Dreamer
- Impractical dreamer
- Perfectionist finds detail is all wrong
- The visions he has are unreal!
- Utopian believer
- Visionary
- One who idealizes; one who forms picturesque fancies; one
given to romantic expectations.
- Benchmark
- Calculation
- Dimension
- Size of Emma’s tureen is all wrong
- The act or result of measuring; mensuration; as,
measurement is required.
- The extent, size, capacity, amount. or quantity
ascertained by measuring; as, its measurement is five acres.
- internet comment
- Letters and parcels delivered
- Letters that come after appointment
- Mail service
- Position of duty
- Send by mail
- Send to job – the last one was at funeral