Internal Crossword Clue

Latest updated: 02-11-2023
Below are possible answer for quick crossword clue: internal. We have 5 answers for internal in our database.

Possible answers to internal

- Begins ideally within four walls
- Core
- Deep down
- Imprisoned
- Inner part
- Interior
- Internal

- ... or outward
- Darwin has been rezoned towards interior
- Directed towards the inside
- Internal
- Situated within
- To centre in hospital department
- Being or placed within; inner; interior; -- opposed to outward.

- ... or outer
- Esoteric
- Hidden
- Hidden (feelings)
- Inside
- Inside beginners
- Inside part

- Confine
- Confine as a prisoner
- Detain during wartime
- Detain medical student
- During war, imprison trainee doctor
- Hold in custody
- Imprison

- A sore
- Abscess
- Cruel treatment for open sore
- Cruel treatment of mouth sore
- Gastric ailment
- Gastric complaint
- Gastric disorder

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