- built in as a trait - Built-in - Instinctive - Permanently existing in something; inseparably attached
or connected; naturally pertaining to; innate; inalienable; as,
polarity is an inherent quality of the magnet; the inherent right of
men to life, liberty, and protection.
- Done without conscious thought - Done without thinking - Instinctive - Instinctive; mechanical - Lacking spontaneity - Mother with a twitch is after car without a clutch! - Alt. of Automatical
- Blind (guess) - Instinctive - Instinctive, nonrational - Spontaneous - Seeing clearly; as, an intuitive view; intuitive vision. - Knowing, or perceiving, by intuition; capable of knowing
without deduction or reasoning. - Received. reached, obtained, or perceived, by intuition;
as, intuitive judgment or knowledge; -- opposed to deductive.