- Abide
- Brood about dodgy heart. Not sick?
- Focus attention on
- Have one's residence
- Have residence
- Inhabit
- Inhabit, ... in
- Colonise
- Freely top up ale to fill the place with people
- Furnish with inhabitants
- Inhabit
- Settle
- Populous.
- To furnish with inhabitants, either by natural
increase or by immigration or colonization; to cause to be inhabited;
to people.
- Busy (oneself)
- Colonise
- Confusingly coy about cup that can take up time or space
- Engage the attention of
- Engage the mind, etc.
- Engross
- Inhabit
- re inhabit
- Recapture (territory)
- To occupy again.
- Addiction
- Custom
- Custom designed outfit for sister
- Customary practice
- I get into bath clumsily in practice
- In a gown
- Lifetime practice