- Indicate
- Indicate wager starting over Barbie’s boyfriend
- To signify by some visible object; to show by signs or
- To foreshow by present signs; to indicate something
future by that which is seen or known; as, a dark cloud often betokens
a storm.
- Indicate
- Indicate or designate
- Mean something inside, not elsewhere
- Show clearly
- Signify
- To mark out plainly; to signify by a visible sign; to
serve as the sign or name of; to indicate; to point out; as, the hands
of the clock denote the hour.
- To be the sign of; to betoken; to signify; to mean.
- Indicate beforehand
- Portend
- Presage, portend
- Suggest in advance
- To shadow or typi/y beforehand; to prefigure.
- A head movement
- A quick bob of the head
- A signal of agreement
- Agree to bid at auction
- Bob head
- Dip the head
- Don turns up to say yes
- Pointed out
- of Indicate
- Shown; denoted; registered; measured.