Imposes Upon Crossword Clue

Latest updated: 08-11-2023
Below are possible answer for quick crossword clue: imposes upon. We have 4 answers for imposes upon in our database.

Possible answers to imposes upon

- Imposes, ... upon
- Wreaks

- A woman who imposes upon or deceives others.

- Someone who impersonates another for personal gain
- One who imposes upon others; a person who assumes a character or title not his own, for the purpose of deception; a pretender.

- Self-restraint; self-command.
- The restraint which a person imposes upon his desires and passions; the act or power of refraining from indulgence of the sexual appetite, esp. from unlawful indulgence; sometimes, moderation in sexual indulgence.
- Uninterrupted course; continuity.

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