Imperial Crossword Clue

Latest updated: 11-10-2018
Below are possible answer for quick crossword clue: imperial. We have 5 answers for imperial in our database.

Possible answers to imperial

- Aristocrat
- Blue blooded
- Blue hue
- Blue shade
- Edinburgh’s ... Mile
- High-born
- Imperial

- Befitting a sovereign
- Glare rudely at royal
- Imperial
- Kingly
- Lordly
- Majestic
- Of royalty

- Imperial.

- Advances slowly
- Advances slowly to almost win chess
- Crawls very short distances
- Edges
- Imperial units
- Length units
- Old units of length

- 1/16 of pound
- 1/16th of a pound
- 16th of pound
- Announcement carried a bit of weight
- Announcements carry little weight
- Cup part
- Imperial quantity

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