Heart Broken Crossword Clue

Latest updated: 26-10-2023
Below are possible answer for quick crossword clue: heart broken. We have 4 answers for heart broken in our database.

Possible answers to heart broken

- Heart-broken
- Not consolable; incapable of being consoled; grieved beyond susceptibility of comfort; disconsolate.

- Down in the dumps
- Downcast
- Glum
- Heart-broken
- Inconsolable
- Miserable
- spiritless

- Audible range
- Eavesdropping vicinity makes listeners feverish
- Hearing heart so broken!
- Hearing range
- Hearing range offered; listener was blown away
- Listeners burn in hearing range
- Listeners heated within hearing distance

- Called forth
- Conjured up
- Eve admitted broken heart before Penny called up
- Induced
- Inspired
- of Evoke

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