- Haphazard - Happening by chance - Occurring casually - Unintentional - Unplanned - Happening by chance, or unexpectedly; taking place not
according to the usual course of things; casual; fortuitous; as, an
accidental visit. - Nonessential; not necessary belonging; incidental; as,
are accidental to a play.
- Haphazard - Low quality - Negligent or careless - Slapdash - Slovenly - Wearing shoes or slippers down at the heel. - Figuratively: Careless in dress, manners, style, etc.;
slovenly; shuffling; as, slipshod manners; a slipshod or loose style of
- Dom ran out haphazardly - Haphazard - Haphazard doorman drops ring - Hit or miss some grand omnibus - Hit-and-miss - Purposeless - Seer and omens mostly hit and miss