- Educator
- Guru
- Instructor
- Pedagogue
- Schoolmaster
- The race to become an instructor
- One who teaches or instructs; one whose business or
occupation is to instruct others; an instructor; a tutor.
- Acquire a thorough knowledge of
- Boy’s title
- Get the better of
- Guru
- Maestro
- Schoolteacher of old
- Top chess player’s title
- Am I to follow directions of Hindu teacher?
- Compass point in France – friend of Indian teacher
- Crawled through the water to one holy man
- Did the breaststroke before I became Indian teacher
- Guru
- Guru started with a meditation insight
- Guru was excited to see I’m heading in a new direction
- Arbiter of public taste
- Fashion guru
- Fashion innovator
- Fashion leader
- One influencing fashion
- Person influencing fashion
- Rag-trade innovator
- Apparently having ESP
- Clairvoyant
- Clairvoyant, medium
- Intellectual clairvoyant
- Mystic in the embraces of tipsy chicks
- Telepathic
- telepathy guru