- Complain
- Complain when man caught duck
- Express pain
- Expression of pain
- Gripe
- Groan
- Grumble
- Complain
- Deep moan
- Grumble
- Look disapprovingly
- Low, mournful sound
- Mutter of protest
- Pained sigh
- Colic pain
- Complaint
- Complaint about clutch direction
- Complaint Rod left porridge out
- Grumble
- Original ghetto ripe for complaint
- Peeve
- Grumble
- Mumble
- Speak quietly
- To utter words indistinctly or with a low voice and lips
partly closed; esp., to utter indistinct complaints or angry
expressions; to grumble; to growl.
- To sound with a low, rumbling noise.
- To utter with imperfect articulations, or with a low
voice; as, to mutter threats.
- Repressed or obscure utterance.
- Grumble
- Murmur angrily
- Rumble
- Snarl
- Sound made by a hostile dog
- To utter a deep guttural sound, sa an angry dog; to give
forth an angry, grumbling sound.
- To express by growling.