- bracing machine
- Car lock
- Fasten tightly
- Fix firmly
- Grasp firmly
- Grip
- Grip firmly
- Confine
- Grip
- Marc brings back prime picnic hamper
- Muscle spasm
- Muscular contraction
- Painful muscle contraction
- Painful muscular contraction
- Brooch
- Brooch clip
- Brooch fastener
- Embrace
- Fastener
- Firm grip
- Grip
- Clench
- Clutch
- Grip
- Interior of a cargo ship
- The whole interior portion of a vessel below the lower deck,
in which the cargo is stowed.
- To cause to remain in a given situation, position, or
relation, within certain limits, or the like; to prevent from falling
or escaping; to sustain; to restrain; to keep in the grasp; to retain.
- To retain in one's keeping; to maintain possession of, or
authority over; not to give up or relinquish; to keep; to defend.
- Clasp
- Clench
- Clutch
- Clutch at understanding
- Clutch some appealing raspberries
- Comprehend
- Comprehension