- Breadth
- Broad grin
- Broad smile
- Ceiling support
- Girder
- Girder; ray
- Grin
- Grin
- Self-satisfied look
- Smile smugly
- Smug look
- To smile in an affected or conceited manner; to smile
with affected complaisance; to simper.
- A forced or affected smile; a simper.
- Nice,; smart; spruce; affected; simpering.
- Grin
- Happy face
- Happy faced
- Say “cheese”
- Show amusement
- To express amusement, pleasure, moderate joy, or love and
kindness, by the features of the face; to laugh silently.
- To express slight contempt by a look implying sarcasm or
pity; to sneer.
- A sly side glance
- Gaze lustfully, right behind shelter
- Lascivious or unpleasant look
- Lecherous grin
- Lecherous look
- Lewd look
- Look lasciviously