- A gem of an isle, Beryl - Beryl left inside? Dear me, what a mess! - Extremely emotional, Gerald appears a shade of green - gem - Green city in Dot’s Oz - Green city or isle - Green gem
- Bored or lacking enthusiasm - Exhausted - Fatigued - Had it - Handed a jacket back – it’s a bit worn-out - Jay did claim to be exhausted - Laded, tired and bored when Jay told to replace Elle
- A green siliceous stone sprinkled with red jasper, as
if with blood; hence the name; -- called also heliotrope. - Hematite, an ore of iron yielding a blood red powder or
- A hard compact mineral, of a dark green color, formerly
worn as a remedy for diseases of the kidneys, whence its name; kidney
stone; a kind of jade. See Jade.
- A massive variety of talc, of a grayish green or brown
color. It forms extensive beds, and is quarried for fireplaces and for
coarse utensils. Called also potstone, lard stone, and soapstone.