- Delight
- Delight party leader with rental contract
- Gratify
- Make glad
- Polite request to go softly on rental contract
- Polite request word
- polite word
- Din made by luge upset baby
- foster
- Gratify
- Pamper
- Spoil
- Wallow in glued mess
- To be complacent toward; to give way to; not to oppose
or restrain
- Gratify, cater
- Indulge to excess
- A male bawd; a pimp; a procurer.
- Hence, one who ministers to the evil designs and passions
of another.
- To play the pander for.
- To act the part of a pander.
- Eats a variety of stuff
- Fill
- Fill fully
- Fill up
- Glut
- Gratify fully
- Make full
- Completely satisfy
- Fill fully
- Fill to excess
- Fully satisfy
- Gratify fully
- Overeat
- Pig out