- Destroy mailbag - Dismiss - Dismiss (from job) - Fire - Give notice of what is needed for picnic race - Hit it when you retire, get it when you’re made redundant - Large bag
- A stop; a halt; a moderation of pace. - Halloo! attend! -- a call to excite attention, or to give
notice of approach. - Stop! stand still! hold! -- a word now used by teamsters,
but formerly to order the cessation of anything.
- Blow gently - Float - Float through the air - To give notice to by waving something; to wave the hand
to; to beckon. - To cause to move or go in a wavy manner, or by the impulse
of waves, as of water or air; to bear along on a buoyant medium; as, a
balloon was wafted over the channel. - To cause to float; to keep from sinking; to buoy. - To be moved, or to pass, on a buoyant medium; to float.