- A long time after surgeon had rugs removed - A long time in the ravine - Age - Age of opera - An important period in history - Are back in time - Chapter in history
- A long time after surgeon had rugs removed - A very long time for one in strife - Age - Age of opera - Alternately bemoan a great age - Alternative hero in a great age - Chapter in history
- ‘80s spirituality, New ... - 80s spirituality, New ... - A mirrored example of maturity - A very long time for one in strife - Ageing - Become old - Begin to seem older
- Age Of The Dinosaurs - Dinosaur movie, ... Park - Geological period for Michael Crichton's park? - Of the age of the middle Mesozoic, including, as divided
in England and Europe, the Lias, Oolite, and Wealden; -- named from
certain rocks of the Jura mountains. - The Jurassic period or formation; -- called also the
- Ancient; pertaining to the earliest period in geological
history. - The earliest period in geological period, extending up to
the Lower Silurian. It includes an Azoic age, previous to the
appearance of life, and an Eozoic age, including the earliest forms of