- Affectionate; sensitive
- Caring
- Easily bruised
- Formally offer
- Fragile
- Gentle
- Gentle and affectionate
- Brittle
- Delicate
- Easily shattered
- Father shortly to become ill, delicate and weak
- Feeble
- Fragile
- Of delicate health
- Easily broken
- Fragile
- Insubstantial
- lame
- Very thin, unstable
- Weak, loud and slimy characters
- Weak; feeble; limp; slight; vain; without strength or
solidity; of loose and unsubstantial structure; without reason or
plausibility; as, a flimsy argument, excuse, objection.
- Dim (light)
- Feeble
- Fragile
- Infirm
- Insipid
- It takes seven days, they say, to become feeble
- Powerless
- Dainty
- Easily broken
- Ethereal
- Fine food shop
- Fragile
- Precarious
- Tender