Former Soviet State Crossword Clue

Latest updated: 22-12-2023
Below are possible answer for general crossword clue: former soviet state. We have 10 answers for former soviet state in our database.

Possible answers to former soviet state

- After Britain, sounds like wet weather in Eastern Europe
- Eastern European republic
- Former Soviet state
- Kiev is there
- Russia’s neighbour
- Russia’s neighbour calls you ‘Crane’
- Russia’s neighbour calls you “Crane”

- European country that existed from 1918-91
- Former Balkan country
- Former Balkan state
- Former eastern state
- Former European country

- Former German kingdom
- Former German state

- Alaska’s former owner
- Country
- Former Soviet Union
- largest of the former soviet republics
- Moscow’s country
- Narnia is surely a bit of a backward country
- Norway’s neighbour

- Former Soviet republic
- Landlocked country in SE Europe
- Republic in NW Asia

- Baltic country crumbles into sea
- Baltic nation
- Country
- Country that sits between Latvia and Russia on the Baltic Sea, capital Tallinn.
- European country
- Foreign country
- Former Soviet republic

- Former Russian empire (init)
- Former Soviet Union (init)
- Old Russia
- Russ moved around Russia in the eighties
- Soviet states

- Deteriorate
- Fall back
- Go backward
- Go backwards
- Go backwards; lapse
- Return to a former state
- The act of passing back; passage back; return; retrogression. "The progress or regress of man".

- Return to a former state

- Direct (train service)
- Enshrine
- Fast train
- Fast train or bus
- Fast train or bus, say
- high speed train
- High-speed (train)

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