- Despoil
- Devastate
- Do ruinous damage
- Foray
- Plunder a grave? Dreadful!
- Scar
- Desolation by violence; violent ruin or destruction;
devastation; havoc; waste; as, the ravage of a lion; the ravages of
fire or tempest; the ravages of an army, or of time.
- A foray
- An incursion
- Attack
- Bombard
- Foray
- Military foray
- Police search
- A foray
- Set forth to find Ms Field
- Sortie of troops
- To leap or rush out; to burst forth; to issue suddenly;
as a body of troops from a fortified place to attack besiegers; to make
a sally.
- A leaping forth; a darting; a spring.
- A rushing or bursting forth; a quick issue; a sudden
eruption; specifically, an issuing of troops from a place besieged to
attack the besiegers; a sortie.
- An excursion from the usual track; range; digression;