- Football shoot-out - Legal punishment - Punishment - Penal retribution; punishment for crime or offense; the
suffering in person or property which is annexed by law or judicial
decision to the commission of a crime, offense, or trespass. - The suffering, or the sum to be forfeited, to which a
person subjects himself by covenant or agreement, in case of
nonfulfillment of stipulations; forfeiture; fine. - A handicap.
- Note of requisition - Restaurant tab - Written pass - The embryo or the growing bud of a plant; a shoot; a sprout;
as, the chits of Indian corn or of potatoes. - A child or babe; as, a forward chit; also, a young, small, or
insignificant person or animal. - An excrescence on the body, as a wart. - A small tool used in cleaving laths.
- Forbid - Prohibit - Refuse to accept - Refuse to sanction detective inspector - sickly-looking - Refuse to sanction detective inspector – sickly-looking - Reject as invalid - Rule out a goal in football