- Equestrian's footrest
- Equestrian’s footrest
- Foot rest hanging off a saddle
- Foot-rest
- Fuss over grabbing howler's tail bone
- Horse-rider's support
- Jockey usually puts his foot in it!
- A board or narrow platfrom upon which one may stand or
brace his feet
- The platform for the engineer and fireman of a
- The foot-rest of a coachman's box.
- A board forming the foot of a bedstead.
- A treadle.
- of Foot
- Ground for the foot; place for the foot to rest on; firm
foundation to stand on.
- Standing; position; established place; basis for
operation; permanent settlement; foothold.
- Relative condition; state.
- Tread; step; especially, measured tread.
- The act of adding up a column of figures; the amount or
sum total of such a column.
- The act of putting a foot to anything; also, that which is
added as a foot; as, the footing of a stocking.
- A pace
- Action taken to bring pets back
- Chickens have escaped – Stephens has rung
- Converse (with)
- Dance move
- Dance; level
- Degree of progress
- Contact
- Feel with fingers
- Jot
- Make contact with
- One of the five senses
- Slight trace
- Small amount
- Upbeat (mus)
- That part of a foot where the ictus is put, or which is
distinguished from the rest (known as the thesis) of the foot by a
greater stress of voice.
- That elevation of voice now called metrical accentuation, or
the rhythmic accent.
- The elevation of the hand, or that part of the bar at which
it is raised, in beating time; the weak or unaccented part of the bar;
-- opposed to thesis.