- Beg Eric to change ice mass - Crisp Lettuce Variety - Floating ice mass - Frozen floating mass - Frozen mass in the sea - Large floating mass - Large frozen mass in the sea
- Did without rent in Florentine ice field - Field of floating ice - Floating ice - Floating ice sheet - frozen floating mass - Sea ice - Shipping hazard
- Creeping ice mass - Ice mass - One hundred and one fell into large turbulent icy river - River of ice - Slow-moving mass of ice - Slowly moving mass of ice - An immense field or stream of ice, formed in the region of
perpetual snow, and moving slowly down a mountain slope or valley, as
in the Alps, or over an extended area, as in Greenland.
- Cecil and I go off to find Spike in winter - Frozen drip - Frozen drop - Frozen formation - Frozen spike - Pendent of frozen water - Pendent tapering mass of ice