- Carries on when nuisances admit repetitive strain injury - Chief protester violently resists and carries on - Continues - Continues despite opposition - Continues in a course of action or opinion - Continues steadily - Endures
- Holiday maker - Holidaymaker - One who travels for pleasure - Sightseeing visitor - Sightseer - To purist, first prize goes to sightseer - Traveller is tutor, when given new position
- Column (of smoke) - Feather - First prize for disguising mule with large feather - Ornamental feather - Shako feature - Showy feather - A feather; esp., a soft, downy feather, or a long,
conspicuous, or handsome feather.
- Con operation, ... scheme - Egyptian monument - Egyptian royal tomb - Egyptian tourist attraction - First prize for Mary returning ID to Egyptian tomb - overstate - Word that can follow food or precede scheme