- Alter
- Alter (rules)
- Alter (text)
- Alter, change for the better
- Change for the better
- Change prayer end and finish
- Correct
- Air turns up under a song
- Australian music award
- baroque vocal composition
- Classic song
- Classical song
- Diva's solo
- Diva’s solo
- Adjust slightly
- Fine tune
- Fine-tune
- make a small alteration
- Make fine adjustments to (mechanism)
- Make minor alteration to
- Pinch
- Acclimatise
- Adjust
- Adjust commercial fitting
- Adjust to new conditions
- Adjust to new requirements
- Bend to circumstances
- Build up
- a way to become different
- Adulterer rejects rude doctor
- Beam without reason, initially or subsequently
- Change
- Communion table
- Convert
- Convert church table, say