- Bird of prey
- Ferret
- Kite to sell wherever there’s a buyer
- Peddle
- Peddle; bird
- Warmonger
- Winged predator
- Ferret
- Search unsystematically for
- Search untidily
- Untidy and unsystematic search
- A place or room for the stowage of cargo in a ship; also,
the act of stowing cargo; the pulling and moving about of packages
incident to close stowage; -- formerly written romage.
- A searching carefully by looking into every corner, and by
turning things over.
- To make room in, as a ship, for the cargo; to move
about, as packages, ballast, so as to permit close stowage; to stow
closely; to pack; -- formerly written roomage, and romage.
- Ferret
- Knock over
- Loot
- Managed to get large bag to rummage through
- Plunder
- Plunder or pillage
- Ran with bag to hold the loot
- Before the jumble sale we found what goes pop
- cheat deceitfully
- Ferret relative
- It goes pop!
- Mustela carnivore
- Skunk-like mammal
- Sly person
- A firearm
- Cavalry weapon
- Ferret (through)
- Firearm
- Firearm with long barrel
- Flier makes soldier’s firearm
- Gun fired from shoulder level