- Feign
- Have an impact on
- Impact
- Infect
- Influence
- Make a difference to the latter half of RAAF cafe pact
- Pretend to move
- Duplicity
- Ed turns on church? It is treachery!
- Feign
- Fraud
- Fraud or misrepresentation
- Guile
- Ruse
- Feign
- Make believe
- Play act
- Pose as
- Pose as, pretend
- To lay a claim to; to allege a title to; to claim.
- To hold before, or put forward, as a cloak or disguise
for something else; to exhibit as a veil for something hidden.
- Feign; imitate
- Imitate conditions of
- Make a pretence of
- Mock up
- Pose as
- Pretend; imitate
- Recreate real-life conditions in the laboratory
- Avoid work by feigning sickness
- Fake an injury
- Feign illness
- Feign illness to avoid a duty or work
- Swing the lead
- To act the part of a malingerer; to feign illness or