- Column (of smoke)
- Feather
- First prize for disguising mule with large feather
- Ornamental feather
- Shako feature
- Showy feather
- A feather; esp., a soft, downy feather, or a long,
conspicuous, or handsome feather.
- Feather-like
- Alt. of Pinnated
- A squillion’s too much for this old-fashioned pen
- Feather pen
- Pen
- Porcupine spine
- Tail feather
- One of the large feathers of a bird's wing, or one of the
rectrices of the tail; also, the stock of such a feather.
- A pen for writing made by sharpening and splitting the point
or nib of the stock of a feather; as, history is the proper subject of
his quill.
- Feather-shaped pattern
- pattern of curved feather shaped figures
- A large non-venomous snake that kills by crushing its prey
- A large snake
- A reptile
- A type of snake
- Constrictor snake
- Feather scarf
- Feather wrap