- Absurd
- Annie confused and foolish
- Batting with an English opener is foolish
- Boring and unimaginative to go in a north-east direction
- Boring and unimaginative to go in a northeast direction
- Childish
- Corny
- Fatuous
- Foolish
- Stupid
- Unwise
- Vaucous
- Happy; fortunate; blessed.
- Harmless; innocent; inoffensive.
- airhead
- badly planned
- Daft
- Dim-witted
- Fatuous
- Ill advised
- Ninny
- Fatuous
- Preposterous
- Silly
- Unwise
- Marked with, or exhibiting, folly; void of understanding;
weak in intellect; without judgment or discretion; silly; unwise.
- Such as a fool would do; proceeding from weakness of mind
or silliness; exhibiting a want of judgment or discretion; as, a
foolish act.
- Absurd; ridiculous; despicable; contemptible.