- Fatal
- Lethal
- Lethal dye and lay centres out
- Mortal (wound)
- Murderous
- Capable of causing death; mortal; fatal; destructive;
certain or likely to cause death; as, a deadly blow or wound.
- Aiming or willing to destroy; implacable; desperately
hostile; flagitious; as, deadly enemies.
- All the characters go around being deadly
- Ballet hall interior could be dangerous
- Causing death
- Deadly
- Fatal
- Mortal
- Mortal (wound)
- Acute intestinal infection
- Fatal (disease)
- Hear Col is badly affected by contagious illness
- Her cola could cause badly upset tum
- Infection from contaminated water
- infectious disease
- Intestinal disease
- Fatal quality
- Lethal quality
- Time limit of steamship has a lethal quality
- The quality of being deadly.
- Fatal (disease)
- Murderer
- One who deprives of life; one who, or that which, kills.
- A voracious, toothed whale of the genus Orca, of which
several species are known.