Fade Away Crossword Clue

Latest updated: 13-12-2023
Below are possible answer for quick crossword clue: fade away. We have 7 answers for fade away in our database.

Possible answers to fade away

- Breathe one’s last
- Caddies kept Peter out
- Casting mould
- Cease living
- Cease to be alive
- Cutting tool
- Drop off the perch

- ... and flow
- And not
- Be back before first outgoing tide
- Bea! Be back or fall back!
- Decline sea change?
- Depressed, at a low ...
- diminution

- ... Kay, comedian
- ... Pan collar
- Book of the Bible
- Cash register (coll)
- Diminish, ... out
- Disciple of Jesus
- Fade away, ... out

- Complaint regarding letters from university
- Complaint reported when Russia disregarded America
- Fade away from far side with typist’s complaint
- Keyboard operator’s complaint
- Occupational overuse syndrome
- Occupational overuse syndrome (1,1,1)
- Partly reversible muscle injury

- Film-editing technique
- Make or become liquid
- Mix into a liquid
- Vanish
- To separate into competent parts; to disorganize; to break up; hence, to bring to an end by separating the parts, sundering a relation, etc.; to terminate; to destroy; to deprive of force; as, to dissolve a partnership; to dissolve Parliament.
- To break the continuity of; to disconnect; to disunite; to sunder; to loosen; to undo; to separate.
- To convert into a liquid by means of heat, moisture, etc.,; to melt; to liquefy; to soften.

- Display melancholy
- Lose strength and vitality
- Weaken
- To become languid or weak; to lose strength or animation; to be or become dull, feeble or spiritless; to pine away; to wither or fade.
- To assume an expression of weariness or tender grief, appealing for sympathy.
- To cause to droop or pine.
- See Languishiment.

- Fleeting
- One on the run
- One who flees
- Runaway
- Fleeing from pursuit, danger, restraint, etc., escaping, from service, duty etc.; as, a fugitive solder; a fugitive slave; a fugitive debtor.
- Not fixed; not durable; liable to disappear or fall away; volatile; uncertain; evanescent; liable to fade; -- applied to material and immaterial things; as, fugitive colors; a fugitive idea.
- One who flees from pursuit, danger, restraint, service, duty, etc.; a deserter; as, a fugitive from justice.

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