- Academic achievement
- Academic award
- An academic award
- Extent
- It marks the beginning of life as a bachelor
- Relative position
- Temperature unit
- Degree
- Extent
- A falling on or upon; an incident; an event.
- The direction in which a body, or a ray of light or
heat, falls on any surface.
- Anger about mountain chain
- Bounds
- Chain of mountains
- Cook place
- Extent
- Extent of collection
- Extent of practice golf area
- A stretch
- Extent
- Stretch
- Stretch of land
- Wide continuous area
- Wide open space
- That which is expanded or spread out; a wide extent of
space or body; especially, the arch of the sky.
- Cause to become longer
- continuous extent of length
- Draw tight
- Elasticity
- Elongate
- Extent
- Make last