- Every other year - Every second year - Lasting two years - Happening, or taking place, once in two years; as, a
biennial election. - Continuing for two years, and then perishing, as plants
which form roots and leaves the first year, and produce fruit the
second. - Something which takes place or appears once in two years;
esp. a biennial examination. - A plant which exists or lasts for two years.
- Hairpiece - Have the odd whinge about judge’s hairpiece - Owning every other toupee - Rug - Scold severely (inf) - Toupee - A covering for the head, consisting of hair interwoven or
united by a kind of network, either in imitation of the natural growth,
or in abundant and flowing curls, worn to supply a deficiency of
natural hair, or for ornament, or according to traditional usage, as a
part of an official or professional dress, the latter especially in
England by judges and barristers.
- A little pet name for famous volcano - A volcano - An active volcano - Catania’s neighbour threatening to erupt from quiet naivete - Edna slightly changed by Sicilian hot spot - European volcano - Every other Neptunian volcano