- Abscond
- Break free
- Break free from confinement
- Break out following fire
- Diversion (from reality)
- Elusiveness
- Escape
- Crossbow arrow
- Crossbow’s arrow
- Dash
- Dash away suddenly
- Door lock
- Escape
- Flash of lightning
- Abscond
- Biting insect
- Charge about a pound to take flight
- Divisions of a play
- Escape
- Leave in panic
- Run away
- Avoid (capture)
- Avoid by dexterity
- Avoid crazy duel to the east
- Avoid every other real hurdle
- Baffle
- Dodge
- Escape
- Depart to avoid legal action
- Do a bunk
- Escape
- Flee from justice
- Leave quickly and secretly
- Run away secretly
- Run off