- Direct (train service)
- Enshrine
- Fast train
- Fast train or bus
- Fast train or bus, say
- high speed train
- High-speed (train)
- Enshrine
- To declare (a deceased person) a saint; to put in the
catalogue of saints; as, Thomas a Becket was canonized.
- To glorify; to exalt to the highest honor.
- To rate as inspired; to include in the canon.
- Enshrine
- He levitates with no hits to get higher and higher
- Hoist
- Improve morally
- Inside motel, Eva tested lift
- Lift
- Lift to a higher position
- Enshrine
- Fruit jam
- Keep alive
- Keep from decaying
- Keep safe from harm
- Keep the jam
- Prevent deterioration
- Enshrine
- Give permanent fame to
- Glorify